“Excellent conference once again! I really appreciate the opportunity you provide for all of us in Canada to participate in such an amazing EP conference”

A Weekend of Learning, Transformation and Self Discovery

This year’s annual Canadian Energy Psychology Conference was great success. People from all over the globe attended this life changing event, participating in the magic that is Energy Psychology.

We thank everyone who attended this year’s conference and to all of the exhibitors and volunteers who aided in making this such a warm and inviting event.  A special thank you to our presenters for bringing us this amazing gift of learning.

Conference Highlights

“This conference is an opportunity for personal and professional growth”

This year’s conference featured an amazing list of speakers, workshops, exhibitors, and musical guests.

Held in the upscale boutique hotel, The Novotel Centre, on the Esplanade the conference was easily accessible and located close to many of Toronto’s most prominent sights and restaurants.

At the start of the conference’s guests were warmly greeted and welcomed by conference volunteers, who provided guests with conference information, and set the tone for what would be a magical weekend.

In the conference book store guests were able to peruse the latest in Energy Psychology literature and explore and engage with the various exhibitors and vendors.

The weekend started off with a keynote address by Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, board-certified in family medicine, geriatrics, and psychiatry, bridging his contemporary practice with aboriginal North American heritage.

In his provocative Evening of Remote Viewing , Dr. Lee Pulos took us on an experiential journey beyond the self-imposed boundaries of science and into the richness of the deep tidal flow of our subconscious.

Master Teresa Yeung, a Generational Qi Gong Master, wow-ed us by demonstrating how ‘Qi’ Energy can be sent out from a Master to promote healing.

Throughout the weekend musician Michael Moon provided thoughtful and inspiring musical interludes to add a lightness and warmth to our experience.

Almost everyone is aware of “burnout” but most are not aware of its physiological foundation. In his workshop, Dr. Norman Shealy focused on techniques for restoring  natural production of DHEA, without drugs or DHEA supplements.

Norma Gairdner, MA, HD, demonstrated how TFT and Homeopathy have brought outstanding results to her autistic clients.

The conference was an outstanding success! When we asked attendees to comment on their conference experiences we received an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response.

Some of the heart warming comments included:

“Thank you for the miracles that happen.” 

“Lots of love energy”

“Every year, I feel like I’m coming home to family”

“This Energy Psychology Conference certainly draws an excellent quality of attendees!” 

“I will certainly be here next year – this is the type of event that keeps us going through tough times”. 

“Excellent and high quality presenters…”

Become a member of CAIET. Your support is essential if we want to keep this conference going.

We look forward to seeing you in Toronto again next year on October 25-27, 2013, for what will surely be our best conference yet, featuring the latest in Energy Psychology tools and  techniques, new presenters and special guests!

Thank you for your support!


Warm regards,
Sharon Cass-Toole
Conference Director

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